Hamerton Donkey Show 2011 06-04-2011
The date has been fixed for the very first Hamerton Donkey Show; Saturday 11th June 2011 - under Donkey Breed Society rules. In hand classes for all donkeys, specific classes for Miniatures. Judging by Rosemary Clarke. Our first show is sponsored by Thurlow-Nunn-Standen agricultural machinery dealers, suppliers of Kubota tractors and groundcare equipment, and Terra-Vac paddock sweepers and hoovers. The Mammoth and Poitou donkeys at Hamerton will be on show, and we hope to have shoeing and trimming demonstrations by our farrier. Further details will soon be posted here, and we hope that schedules will be available by the end of April. Please contact us by email or post for more details (sae, or stamps towards the postage would be much appreciated).